kitchen renovation worksheet

Free Kitchen Renovation Worksheet

One of the best ways to prepare for a kitchen renovation is to do a little research and dare we say, soul searching.

Some people have a plethora of photos and ideabooks but actually deciding on a particular style can prove challenging. Sometimes collecting too many ideas can further contribute to the crippling indecision. That challenge is even further amplified if you live with a spouse or partner who has very different expectations of the kitchen that they’ll be either cooking in or dining in after the kitchen renovation is finally complete.

For any homeowner(s) preparing for a kitchen renovation, one of the ways you can find empowerment is by knowing what you want, or at least by getting very close to it. Not to offend you with stating the obvious but many people decide they want to undertake a kitchen renovation without genuinely thinking about it. It’s understandable how excitement can override rational and there are some elements individuals can easily forget. In the beginning it may seem like a kitchen’s appeal is based entirely on it’s cabinetry but as you go through the design process, you will see that this is not the case.

Before diving into the list below, keep in mind that you don’t need to know the answer to EVERYTHING. This is meant to not only challenge you but also give you an idea of where you stand and how to best approach your kitchen renovation in the most mindful and practical manner possible.

If you have a partner to consider, we suggest both of you fill out our Free Kitchen Renovation Worksheet and then compare your answers. Be sure to examine the things you are willing to compromise on and see if you are both able to find a middle ground.

kitchen renovation pdf

Designed to Help You Acquire Some Much Needed Clarity

Do I have a budget that I need to stay within? (Pick one)


It’s just important to acknowledge that you do have a budget, if you in fact do have one.

Why am I renovating my kitchen? (Pick one)

a) It’s purely aesthetic
b) To improve its function
c) To increase home value

What am I specifically looking for? (Circle all that apply)

a) To re-organize the elements in the floor plan
b) To expand or reduce the square footage of the floor plan
c) To replace outdated cabinetry
d) To replace outdated appliances
e) To change the flooring
f) Any excuse for granite countertops
g) I just want something different

Am I looking to expand my floor plan, reduce it, or leave it as is?  (Pick one)

a) Expand
b) Reduce
c) As is

Keep in mind that where your cabinetry is situated can always be altered but consider whether the square footage of your kitchen, the size of it in general, is an issue presently.

What are some things I am NOT willing to compromise on?

When you dream of the perfect kitchen, what do you see? You can’t possibly be fixated on everything (unless you’re a chef and know that the devil is in the details). Is it the cabinet door style, the cabinet colors, is it the countertop, the stove, the floors or the window by the sink, etc. This is where you consider your MUST haves.

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

4. _______________________________________

5. _______________________________________

What are some things I am willing to compromise on?

What are some things you are willing to give some further thought? What aspects of the kitchen do you feel comfortable to explore? Some things that aren’t considered MUSTS can be a great place to score some savings.

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

4. _______________________________________

5. _______________________________________

Am I willing to spread out my kitchen renovation in phases, over a certain period of time, OR do I want all the changes completed within one expected time-frame? (Pick one)

This is the biggie.

a) I am willing to spread out my kitchen renovation in phases
b) I want it all taken care of in one shot

If your previous answer was “in one shot” the following applies to you:

Can I accept the reality that while my kitchen is being renovated over the course of 4 to 6 weeks (more or less, depending), that I will need to make other arrangements for preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner? (Pick one)


You can be honest, the only person seeing this is yourself. Honesty will at least allow you to work on finding a way to get around the challenges that a renovation brings.

When am I looking to begin the planning and design process of the kitchen renovation? (Pick one)

b) Within the month
c) Within the next 3 months
d) Within the next 6 months

Who will be undertaking the kitchen renovation? (Pick one)

a) Myself
b) My spouse
c) A friend
d) A home professional

All right, nicely done!

We hope that this has helped to organize your thoughts a bit on the matter. Don’t worry, if you’re still feeling indecisive about how to begin or what to do next. Knowing that you did this worksheet ahead of time will allow you to make some important decisions going forward. And don’t forget, we’re here to help should any questions arise.

If you want a simpler way to make use of the worksheet, you can view the pdf version of the Free Kitchen Renovation Worksheet below. You’ll have the option to save it or download it, or both. The button will open in a new window where you’re able to view it.

kitchen renovation pdf